thank you thank you to all who voted.
i received comments, emails, facebook messages and texts with a lot of great guesses.
some underestimated. some (way) overestimated. some estimated.
want to know the grand total?
i took
12,339 photos.
that means i took about
pictures a week and
pictures a day.
that is pretty awesome.
that means you haven't even seen HALF of them.
but let's get to the good stuff.
i took 12,339 photos
which means the winner of the kinder is...
(drumroll please)
Megan Tall
with her guess of 12,893!
that is four out of five numbers correct.
so congrats meg.
a fabulous prize will be coming your way.
but that's not all.
i want to give out two more prizes.
the best guess
goes to
Grace Hart
with her guess of 100,050.
thanks for having that much faith in me grace.
the price is right guess
(you know, you can't go over. think 'one dollar, bob.')
goes to
with her guess of 10,214.
guess it is safe to say my family knows me best!
your prizes will be sent off shortly!
and just for fun...
lowest guess goes to Johnathon - 6,007
three guesses in the 8000s - Allie, Ben and Kj
three guesses in the 9000s - Katie Mary B and Sam
two in the 13000s (almost winners!) - Kelly and Mary T
closest guesses - Richard 10,038 and Kim 10,050
playmill girls think big - nans 14,752 and chobs 15,600
40% guessed numbers ending in 0
which means 60% took their chance with randoms
and Megan won.
thanks again to all.
i'll keep posting pictures and occasional updates so you can get a better feel of all those twelve thousand.