Monday, February 14, 2011

le jour d'amour. (say it so it rhymes.)

today i dedicate my post to love. it is valentine's day! though the holiday isn't quite as 'all out' as it is in the states, i have seen plenty of lovey-dovey-ness around the town. and there was definitely more kissing on the metro than there usually is. (really) and more men carrying roses. (this actually happens on a regular basis) so this day of love is pretty universal. i've been keeping an eye out for cutesy couples, fun window displays, any signs of affection i have seen while out on the streets. today i bring you all kinds of lovin' from the city of love.
a little valentines treat from my mother.
metro-made valentines? classic.
valentine's door
decked out store
lunch time.
love sublime
yes, please.
(now i just need to find that delivery boy)
vinyl expertise.
valentine's day macaroons galore.
(the store was so packed i couldn't even open the door!)
a little love at the museum today
getting into the spirit with a hot pink beret.
classy notes
puffy pink coats.
not sure what this is,
still admired
hearts hanging from the ceiling,
holding hands
(photo creds to allison)
loving that sand
louvre love.
a couple of
crosswalk kissin'
pink socks glisten
(okay, don't judge that last one)
i treated myself to a little laduree delight.
celebrating valentine's day toute seule,
is quite alright.

thank you and joyeuse saint valentin to all! to finish off - a little saying from a sweet french love charm, given to me by my grandparents many years ago,
'je t'aime plus qu'hier mais moins que demain' .
i love you more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow.


  1. Happy Valentines Mads! Red doors pics were DA BOMB DIGGITY! Love you beautiful girl!

  2. Well Madsy dear, you are a poet plain and clear.
    We enjoyed your Valentines day and what you ate at Laduree.
    Once again we wish we were there with you.
    We would even help you put on your shoe.
    We love all the doors big and small.
    We wonder when you will show us some short and tall.
    We anxiously await each night to read,
    Your wondeful Blog which we open with speed.
    We thrill to see where you have walked,
    And hope you speak in French each time you have talked.
    We are touched that you remember the French poet's words so plain and clear.
    They are our words to you our Madsy dear.
    Grandpa Hart

  3. Madeline dear, you are very clever
    as you share words and photos of love meant forever.

    We loved seeing the Valentine colors, red white and pink,
    Is purple included, what do you think?
    (half of us say yes, and half say no)

    We love you Madeline with all of our heart
    And we were thrilled to see your Valentine tart!

    We missed you at our house as heart waffles we ate
    But we can see that your day was great!

    Je t'aime tres bien! Mom

    I am thinking of a word that rhymes with "marshmallow!" No, actually it rhymes with "lots of liquor." Yes, it is "World of Color!"

  4. your valentines post made my day.
    nothing more fun than being in the city of love on the holiday of love.
    and then writing a poem about it + pictures.
    what more could I ask for?
    (maybe to be there but whatevs, i'm still loving it!)
